I lead a pretty stressful life. I take on too many commitments, I have a very full career, I have a big family and an older house. But worst of all, I carry all that stress around with me like a sackful of rocks on my back. I can't put it down, even if it slows me down, makes me tired, and I know it will eventually break me.
So, how do I cope? I actually have a bunch of strategies, that in total, help me get through my weeks and months without an ulcer (so far).
First is balance. I love doing things and staying busy, but I have learned that if I overcommit, if I spend all day 'gittin' 'er done,' I become miserable. So I schedule breaks. I sit quietly with a coffee early in the morning. I go for a run. I attend a worship service. I go on a date with my wife. And this destroys the sense of being in a rut.
Second, I admit my fragility. A few years back I started getting significant stress-related symptoms: insomnia, grinding teeth, stomach pains and anxiety attacks. So, I got over my masculine pride, saw the doctor, and got a prescription for anti-anxiety meds. I paid more attention to sleep, exercise and diet. And haven't seen those symptoms since.
Finally, I have a happy place. Even looking at the photo above gives me a sense of calm. My worries are swept away and I can think about important things in my life: where I'm going, who I love, how I should make a difference. I can feel God's peace flowing through me.
Even if I'm still carrying that heavy backpack!