Wednesday, September 2, 2015

Why Christianity?

I am enough of a skeptic that I won't ever talk about the "one true religion." It may be impossible to justify such a claim, and history is replete with examples of such claims causing great harm.

What I can do is explain why I have chosen Christianity as my faith:
1. It provides a coherent world-view. I reject any religion that conflicts with widely accepted science.
2. It acknowledges that I am flawed. I know this to be true, so I reject any religion that insists I need to perfectly obey a set of rules.
3. It provides a remedy for my flaws. I reject any religion that leaves me helpless and hopeless.
4. It has sufficient documentary and archaeological evidence to be feasibly historically correct. I reject any religion that unbiased historians reject.
5. It provides me with a community of faithful, who can support me, from whom I can learn and with whom I can celebrate. I reject any religion that ignores my social needs.
6. I have found Christianity to answer my deep spiritual needs for comfort, love, peace and joy, and over the years I have come to know my creator as a person who loves me.