Monday, March 28, 2022

A few of my favourite Quora posts

Over the past dozen years, I have been busy on a discussion forum called Quora. Though I have posted thousands of posts, I find that I often refer back to some of my posts that captured an idea or argument better than others. Being a bit OCD, I finally collected all these most-cited posts into a list, and here it is. Enjoy!


List of arguments

Subjectivity of evidence

Table of evidence

Theism is rational

Assessing personal testimony

There is order in the universe

Why we need God

You can’t think your way to God

Gödel’s proof

Intelligent design

Visions are not a sharable argument

It is natural to believe in God – Muhammed

What could convince me God isn’t real

Genetics points to a designer - Youngren

How do you prove God's existence to yourself?

Meaning of life



Best argument for atheism

Why people are atheists

Why atheists reject God

Which god

Who made God

Russell’s teapot

Religion is not mental illness

Militant atheism

Faith is not belief in the absence of evidence

4200 religions

God of the gaps

Clifford’s principle

Flaws of secular humanism

Why have people forsaken God

How do atheists find meaning

Strong atheism

Lack of evidence

Santa leprechauns and unicorns

Atheist clichés

Atheism – New Atheists

Problems with New Atheists – Kaminski

God Delusion by Dawkins

Hitchens’ North Korea comment

Atheism is not merely lack of belief in gods

Hitchens’ razor

Humanism is a religion



Not literal


Historicity of Jesus

Evidence for the resurrection

Bible is not corrupted

The Bible is the truth

Reliability of gospels - Bair

Biblical violence

Unchanged in 2200 years

Biblical law


Christian Practice

How I converted to Christianity

Hollywood portrayal of Christians

We cannot eradicate poverty

Evangelism -- sincerity

Evangelism – needs love

Evangelism – almost never effective - White

Mystic writings

How to hear God

Benefits of Christianity

Finding God – life experiment

Finding God – open-mindedness

Finding God – why it is difficult

Finding God - how to


Old Testament laws


We need to worship

Religion is inherited not chosen

Impact of Christianity in history - Hawkins


Christian Doctrine

One true religion






Debate & Logic

You can prove a negative

There can be truth without evidence

What critical thinking is

Burden of proof

Nature of credible evidence


God isn’t bound by logic – Muhammed

Arguments vs proofs

What is truth?


Dunning-Kruger effect

Null  hypothesis

Demeaning questions

Quora BNBR policy



Definition of faith

Belief vs faith

Faith is a choice

How to grow in faith

Faith is not belief without any evidence

Doubt is part of Christian faith

Doubt is normal

If I’m wrong about God

Difference between belief and knowledge

By grace through faith


Why should I believe in God?

Faith as tenacity

Faith by apprehension not proof

Why people resist change

Belief is necessary

Faith is consistent with reason



God is ineffable

Jesus was God – strong arguments

Jesus was God – there is no alternative

Jesus claimed to be God

Trinity – wave-particle analogy

Trinity – why it is so hard

Trinity – Biblical basis

Minimal definition of God

God is good


Good atheists

Heaven really exists

What people do in heaven

Hell is real

What the afterlife is like 

Flaws of secular humanism



God allows suffering to let us grow

God hides to preserve free will

God hides to reveal our character

Free will and God’s foreknowledge

Timeless eternity

Why something instead of nothing



Prayer works

How to pray

Prayer gets answered

How prayers work



1: Science and Religion

2: The Big Bang

3: Mind and physics

Copenhagen interpretation

Facts, hypotheses, theories and laws

Abiogenesis – probability

Abiogenesis – RNA world – Sundelin

Abiogenesis - probability - Entrekin

Universe cannot be eternal

Science informs faith

Assumptions of science

Conflict thesis



Consciousness is real

Quantum mech & God – Anderson

Sociological explanation for religions

Objective reality is merely consensus

If a scientific law is broken – Sundelin

Science leads us to God

Consensus-based science



Religion does not cause war

Christian soldiers

Evil men who claim Christ – Moore


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